Re: The Limits of Conscientious Refusal in Reproductive Medicine
ACOG Committee on Ethics Opinion No. 385: November, 2007
Personal Opinions and Ideology, Not "Science"
From Conscience and its Enemies: Confronting the Dogmas of Liberal
Wilmington, Delaware: ISI Books, 2013
Reproduced with permission
Robert P. George*
On September 11, 2008, the President's Council on
Bioethics heard
testimony by Anne Lyerly, MD, chair
of ACOG 's Committee on Ethics. Dr. Lyerly appeared
in connection with the council's review of her
committee 's opinion (No. 385) entitled "Limits of
Conscientious Refusal in Reproductive Medicine."
That opinion proposes that physicians in the field
of women's health be required as a matter of ethical
duty to refer patients for abortions and sometimes
even to perform abortions themselves .
I found the ACOG Ethics Committee 's opinion
shocking and, indeed, frightening. One problem
was its lack of regard - bordering on contempt ,
really - for the sincere claims of conscience of
Catholic, Evangelical Protestant , Orthodox Jewish ,
and other pro-life physicians and health-care
workers. But beyond that, it treated feticide - the
deliberate destruction of a child in the womb - as
if it were a matter of health care, rather than what
it typically is: namely, a decision based on
nonmedical considerations (such as whether a woman
or her husband or boyfriend happens to want a
child). On the understanding of medicine implicit in
the report, the ends of medicine are fundamentally
not about the preservation and restoration of health
considered as an objective reality and human good
but rather concern satisfying the personal
preferences or lifestyle desires of people who come
to physicians requesting surgeries or other
services, irrespective of whether these services are
in any meaningful sense medically indicated.
Let's say that a woman conceives a child and is
unhappy about it. Is she sick? Does she need an
abortion for the sake of her health? Not on any
reasonable understanding or definition of health ,
even if we mean mental health. Pregnancy is not a
disease. It is a natural process. In the normal
case, a pregnant woman is not sick. Nor in the
overwhelming majority of cases does pregnancy pose a
threat to a woman's health . This is clear enough ,
but to make it still clearer let's imagine that a
woman who is initially unhappy to be pregnant
changes her mind. On reflection , she's content to
be pregnant and happy to have a baby on the way. Did
she suddenly shift from being sick and in need of
"health care" in the form of an abortion to being
well? Now let's consider that a couple of months
later, she changes her mind again . It turns out
that the baby is a girl, and she really want s a
boy. So she is once again unhappy about the
pregnancy and she reverts to wanting an abortion.
Did knowledge of the baby's sex transform her from
being a healthy pregnant woman to being sick? The
question answers itself.
Now let us consider the ACOG committee report. What
jumped off the page at me when I first read it is
that it is an exercise in moral philosophy - bad
moral philosophy, but lay that aside for now - not
medicine. It proposes a definition of conscience,
something that cannot be supplied by science or
medicine, then proposes to instruct its readers on
"the limits of conscientious refusals , describing
how claims of conscience should be weighed in the
context of other values critical to the ethical
provision of health care."
Again, knowledge of these limits and values, or of
what should count as the ethical provision of health
care, is not and cannot possibly be the product of
scientific inquiry for medicine as such. The
proposed instruction offered by those responsible
for the ACOG committee report represents a
philosophical and ethical opinion their
philosophical and ethical opinion.
The report goes on to "outline options for public
policy" and propose "recommendations that maximize
accommodation of the individual's religious and
moral beliefs while avoiding imposition of these
beliefs on others or interfering with the safe,
timely, and financially feasible access to
reproductive health care that all women deserve."
Yet again notice that every concept in play here -
the putative balancing, the judgment as to what
constitutes an "imposition" of personal beliefs on
others, the view of what constitutes health care or
reproductive health care, the judgment about what is
deserved - is philosophical, not scientific or,
strictly speaking, medical.
To the extent that they are "medical" judgments even
loosely speaking, they reflect a concept of medicine
informed, structured, and shaped by philosophical
and ethical judgments - bad ones, by the way, such
as the implicit judgment that pregnancy, when
unwanted, is in effect a disease.
Those responsible for the report purport to be
speaking as physicians and medical professionals.
The report's supposed authority derives from their
standing and expertise as physicians and medical
professionals, yet at every point that matters,
the judgments offered reflect their philosophical,
ethical, and political judgments, not any expertise
they have by virtue of their training and experience
in science and medicine.
At the meeting of the President's Council, the
chairman, Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, asked me to offer
formal comment on Dr. Lyerly's presentation of her
committee's report. I was happy for the opportunity
to call her and her colleagues out on their attempt
to use their special authority as physicians to
force fellow physicians to practice medicine in
accord with the their contestable - and contested
philosophical, ethical, and political judgments. And
make no mistake about it: at every key point in the
report, their judgments are contestable and
contested. Indeed, they are contested by the very
people on whose consciences they seek to impose -
the people whom they would, if their report were
adopted and made binding, force into line with their
philosophical and ethical judgments or drive out
of their fields of medical practice. Many
others contest the committee's judgments, too. In
each of these contests a resolution one way or the
other cannot be determined by scientific methods;
rather, the debate is philosophical, ethical, or
That is the key thing to see: the issues in dispute
are philosophical and thus can be resolved only by
philosophical reflection and debate; they cannot be
resolved by science or methods of scientific
inquiry. Lay aside for the moment the question of
whose philosophical and political judgments are
right and whose are wrong. The point is that the
committee's report reflects and promotes a
particular moral view and vision, and particular
understandings of health and medicine shaped by that
moral view and vision.
The report, in other words, in its driving
assumptions, reasoning, and conclusions, is not
morally neutral. It represents a partisan position
among the possible positions debated by people of
goodwill in the medical profession and in society
generally. For me, the partisanship of the report is
its most striking feature. It represents a sheer
power play on behalf of pro-abortion individuals who
happen to have acquired power in their professional
association. This is not about medicine. It is about
ideology. It is about politics and political power.
The greatest irony of the report is its stated worry
about physicians' allegedly imposing their beliefs
on patients by, for example, declining to perform or
refer for abortions - or at least declining to
perform abortions or provide other services in
emergency situations. The assumption here is the
philosophical one that abortion, even elective
abortion, is "health care," and that deliberately
killing babies in their mother's wombs is morally
acceptable and even a woman's right.
The truth is that the physician who refuses to
perform abortions or the pharmacist who declines to
dispense abortifacient drugs coerces no one. He or
she simply refuses to participate in the destruction
of human life - the life of the child in utero.
Such a physician is not "imposing" anything on
anyone, just as a sports shop owner who refuses to
stock hollow-point "cop killer" bullets, even if he
or she may legally sell them, is not imposing
anything on anyone. By contrast those responsible
for the report evidently would use coercion
against physicians and pharmacists who have the
temerity to dissent from the philosophical and
ethical views of those who happen to have acquired
power in ACOG - by forcing them either to get in
line or to go out of business.
If the committee's advice were followed, the medical
field would be cleansed of pro-life physicians whose
convictions required them to refrain from performing
or referring for abortions. Faithful Catho lics,
Evangelicals and other Protestants, and many
observant Jews and Muslims would be excluded from or
forced out of obstetrics and gynecology. The entire
field would be composed of people who agreed with,
or at a minimum went along with, the moral and
political convictions of the report's authors.
So, in truth, who in this debate is guilty of
intolerance? Who is trampling on freedom? Who is
imposing values on others? These questions, too,
answer themselves.
It won't do to say that what the committee seeks to
impose on dissenters is not a morality but merely
good medical practice, for it is not science or
medicine that is shaping the report's understanding
of what counts as good medical practice. It is,
rather, a moral opinion doing the shaping. The
opinion that abortion is good medicine is a
philosophical, ethical, and political opinion; it is
a judgment brought to medicine, not a judgment
derived from it. It reflects a view that abortion is
morally legitimate and no violation of the rights of
the child who is killed. It also reflects the view
that medicine is rightly concerned with facilitating
people's lifestyle choices even when they are
neither sick nor in danger of being injured, and
even when the "medical" procedure involves the
taking of innocent human life.
Whether an elective abortion-or an in vitro
fertilization procedure, or what have you - counts
as health care, as opposed to a patient's desired
outcome, cannot be resolved by the methods of
science or by any morally or ethically neutral form
of inquiry or reasoning. One's view of the matter
will reflect one's moral and ethical convictions
either way.
So the report's constant use of the language
of"health" and "reproductive health" in describing
or referring to the key issues giving rise to
conflicts of conscience is at best question begging.
No, that's too kind. The report's use of this
language amounts to a form of rhetorical
manipulation. The question at issue in abortion is
not "reproductive health" or health of any kind,
precisely because direct abortions are not
procedures designed to make sick people healthy or
to protect them against disease or injury. Again,
pregnancy is not a disease. The goal of direct
abortions is to cause the death of a child because a
woman believes that her life will be better without
the child's existing than it would be with the
child's existing. In itself, a direct (or elective)
abortion - deliberately bringing about the death of
a child in utero - does nothing to advance
maternal health (though sometimes the death of the
child is an unavoidable side effect of a procedure,
such as the removal of a cancerous womb, that is
designed to combat a grave threat to the mother's
health). That's why it is wrong to depict elective
abortion as health care.
There is yet another irony worth noting. The report,
in defending its proposal to compel physicians at
least to refer for procedures that many physicians
believe are immoral, unjust, and even homicidal,
states that such referrals "need not be
conceptualized as a repudiation or compromise of
one's own values, but instead can be seen as an
acknowledgment of both the widespread and thoughtful
disagreement among physicians and society at large
and the moral sincerity of others with whom one
Suddenly it's the case that the underlying issues at
stake, such as abortion, are matters of widespread
and thoughtful disagreement. I agree with that. And
it becomes clear from the report that we should show
respect for the moral sincerity of those with whom
we disagree. Bur it follows from these counsels that
thoughtful and sincere people need not agree that
abortion is morally innocent or acceptable, or that
there is a "right" to abortion, or that the
provision of abortion is part of good health care or
is health care at all, at least in the case of
elective abortions.
But then what could possibly justify compelling
thoughtful, morally sincere physicians who believe
that abortion is a homicidal injustice to perform or
refer for the procedure, or else leave the practice
of medicine? The report's "my way or the highway"
view is anything but an acknowledgement of the
widespread, thoughtful disagreement among physicians
and society at large and the moral sincerity of
those with whom one disagrees. Indeed , it is a
repudiation of it.