Canadian Associate Members at the World Medical Association
General Assembly
14 October, 2018
Reproduced with permission
Sheila Rutledge Harding*
Reykjavik, Iceland,
October 3-6, 2018
A number of concerned Canadian doctors became
Associate Members (** see below)
of the World Medical Association (WMA) and attended the October 2018
General Assembly (GA) of the WMA in Reykjavik, Iceland.This informal report summarizes some activities and experiences
of the group.
1. We were at the GA
because we wished to contribute to the discussion of a draft resolution
entitled Proposed WMA Reconsideration of the Statement on Euthanasia and
Physician Assisted Dying
which was to be
brought forward to the Ethics Committee of the WMA by the Canadian
Medical Association (CMA) and the Royal Dutch Medical Association
(RDMA). It was proposed as a replacement for the WMA Resolution on Euthanasia (2002),
the WMA Declaration on Euthanasia, (1987) and the WMA
Statement on Physician Assisted Suicide (1992, confirmed 2015).
The proposal
sought to move the WMA away from condemning euthanasia and physician
assisted suicide (E/PAS) as unethical. It also moved away from the term
physician assisted suicide,
using instead either physician
assisted death or assisted
dying. We felt that this policy would facilitate legalization of
E/PAS around the world and involvement of physicians in these
procedures. We wished to uphold the WMA opposition to E/PAS and
encourage a life-affirming approach.

2. Delegates from more than
50 national medical associations around the world were present at this
GA.Many of the more
experienced participants at the meeting provided us with good advice
regarding WMA processes and how to ensure our effective participation.
Others sought clarification about an article some of us had co-authored
in the
September 2018 World Medical Journal,
entitled Euthanasia in Canada: a Cautionary
Tale (French and Spanish translations available at It was written to counterbalance the optimistic view
of the introduction of euthanasia and physician assisted suicide (E/PAS)
into Canada that the current representatives of the Canadian Medical
Association (CMA) generally promulgate. While the CMA spokesperson at
this meeting asserted that our article is a misrepresentation, many
participants acknowledged that the extensive references provided would
permit them to access primary sources and reach their own conclusions
about our analysis of the Canadian situation.
3. At the meeting of
Associate Members, a resolution was proposed that aimed at a greater
consistency between policies of WMA and its National Medical
Associations (NMAs). Our group
argued that two paragraphs in that policy would weaken the role of WMA
as a promoter of the highest standards of medical ethics, because WMA
would be expected to "accommodate" NMA policies inconsistent with WMA
policies. Our motion to remove the problematic paragraphs was carried.
4. At this GA, summarizing reports were
presented by representatives of German, Nigerian, Japanese and Brazilian
medical associations on the recent WMA Regional meetings, all opposing
involvement of physicians in E/PAS. These consultations on E/PAS
conducted by the WMA clearly underscored continued firm opposition to
these acts by most member nations. Perhaps because of this,
the CMA/RDMA proposal was withdrawn on short notice prior to the
Ethics Committee meeting in Reykjavik. It was replaced by a compromise
document, brought forward by the German Medical Association, which
affirms the WMA's opposition to E/PAS, but avoids altogether the use of
the word unethical and
substitutes the phrase physician
assisted suicide with physician assisted dying. It was apparent, during the remainder of
the meeting, that many at the WMA have serious concerns about these
possible changes. Some reiterated that the WMA was founded, in large
part, to refute the idea that making something legal also makes it
ethical. The proposed substitute
document will undergo study in the months ahead by all delegates and
their written opinions are to be reviewed at the April 2019 meeting of
the WMA in Chile.
5. Toward the end of the General
Assembly, to everyone's surprise, the CMA delegation accused the
incoming president of the WMA, Dr. Leonid Eidelman, of plagiarism in his
inaugural speech and moved that the WMA demand his resignation. This
motion failed, not being supported by any other delegates. Subsequently,
the CMA announced its withdrawal from membership in the WMA.
Dr. Eidelman offered an explanation and apologized to the Council and
the GA of the WMA, and his explanation and apology were accepted.
*Sheila Rutledge
Harding, MD, MA, FRCPC
** Any
physician or medical student may become an Associate Member, upon
application to the WMA:
Associate Members are apprised of documents under consideration, given
opportunity for input, and may attend WMA meetings to voice their