Protection of Conscience Project
Protection of Conscience Project
Service, not Servitude

Service, not Servitude



Student pressured to participate in abortion
(Saskatchewan, Canada:  1999)
Hansard | In speaking to the protection of conscience bill he introduced in the Canadian House of Commons, Mr. Maurice Vellacott told the House about an encounter he had had with one of his constituents, a student who was under some duress to participate in abortion.  Mr. Vellacott advised the constituent to return to his office if she was unable to make an alternate arrangement and opt out of observation/involvement in an abortion. When she did not return, Mr. Vellacott assumed that she had been accommodated. . . continue reading
Objectors to be Denied Diplomas
(United Kingdom: 1999-2000)
Triple Helix | Doctors who have a conscientious objection to prescribing post-coital contraception or IUCDs that act after fertilisation will no longer be able to obtain the Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning (DFFP) of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. . . .continue reading
Personal Qualms Don't Count:
Foothills Hospital Now Forces Nurses To Participate In Genetic Terminations
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada: 1999)
Marnie Ko | "The present mood is...chaotic, helpless, frustrated and highly emotional," Sally wrote. "In the past weeks, I have witnessed tears, breakdowns, illnesses, and stress such as never before...Sick calls have been high and experienced staff nearly impossible to recruit." . . . continue reading
Down the Slope to Infanticide
Nurses At Foothills Hospital Rebel Over The Horrifying Results Of Late-Term 'Genetic Terminations'
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada: 1999)
Marnie Ko | Genetic terminations unquestionably constitute murder in the minds of the Foothills nurses who contacted this magazine after hospital administrators demanded they assist with abortions. The nurses are backed by a February 26 administrative memo obtained by this magazine which states that for Maternity Care Centre (MCC) staff, "not participating in terminations is not an option." . . . continue reading


Nurses Triumphant! Human Rights Case Ends in Settlement
After a difficult five year struggle, eight Ontario health care professionals win the right to choose.
(Markham-Stoufville, Ontario, Canada:1993-1998)
Sue Careless | . . .Staff with religious objections will not be required to provide primary nursing care to a patient admitted for an abortion, but could be required to provide post-abortion nursing care. They would not, however, have to in any way participate "in the administration, monitoring or documenting of the pregnancy termination process.". . . continue reading



K-Mart Pharmacist Fired for Refusing to Dispense Embryocide
(Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: 1996)
Karen L. Brauer M.S. R.Ph | . . .I was fired from my position as a pharmacist with the KMart Corporation for refusal to dispense Micronor, a progestin-only "minipill", for the purpose of birth control. . . continue reading


Ob-Gyn physician's malpractice insurer insists on lesbian insemination
(USA: 1995-1999) |  Brief examples that demonstrate the often subtle, sometimes flagrant and increasingly pervasive discrimination faced by pro-life, faith-based and conscience-driven individuals in the healthcare professions. . .continue reading
Med-School Admission Committees: Tainted by Pro-Choice Bias?
(Canada: 1995)
Williard Johnston. M.D. | Recently, a worried pre-med student called me. A year ago her interview had gone badly, partly because her pro-life views became known to her interviewer, a woman whose pro-choice sentiments have been expressed to me personally in the past. Back for another try, her interview somehow ended up on the same topic. . . continue reading

Undated- 1990's?

Anesthesiologist must anesthetize for abortion as employment condition
(USA: 1989-2008) |  Brief examples that demonstrate the often subtle, sometimes flagrant and increasingly pervasive discrimination faced by pro-life, faith-based and conscience-driven individuals in the healthcare professions. . . continue reading
Ob-Gyn physician reamed out over refusal to perform abortion
(USA: 1989-2008) |  Brief examples that demonstrate the often subtle, sometimes flagrant and increasingly pervasive discrimination faced by pro-life, faith-based and conscience-driven individuals in the healthcare professions. . . continue reading
Ob-Gyn intern loses privileges for refusing to perform abortions
(USA: 1989-2008) |  Brief examples that demonstrate the often subtle, sometimes flagrant and increasingly pervasive discrimination faced by pro-life, faith-based and conscience-driven individuals in the healthcare professions. . . continue reading
In-vitro physician faced ethics charges for embryo-saving stance
(USA: 1989-2008) |  Brief examples that demonstrate the often subtle, sometimes flagrant and increasingly pervasive discrimination faced by pro-life, faith-based and conscience-driven individuals in the healthcare professions. . . continue reading