Service or Servitude: Reflections on Freedom of Conscience for Health
Care Workers
Responding to: Cantor J, Baum K.The Limits of Conscientious
Objection - May Pharmacists Refuse to Fill Prescriptions for Emergency
Contraception? N Eng J Med 2004 Nov 4;351(19):2008-2012.
Full Text
The New England Journal of Medicine declined to publish
this response: "We thought that it was interesting, but that its focus,
content, and interest to readers were such that it did not meet our needs."
The authors suggestion that patients should be
able to access morally controversial services
without compromising health care workers' freedom of
conscience is most welcome, as is their
acknowledgment that "other options exist" when
pharmacists decline to fill prescriptions.
However, the conflicting interests of patients
and health care providers may be accommodated but
cannot be balanced because they concern
fundamentally different goods. Neither the concept
of autonomy nor an appeal to the "needs" of the
patient help to resolve conflicts in these
situations, while fiduciary obligations cannot
necessarily be invoked because they are not governed
by fixed rules, and there can be no obligation to
participate in wrongdoing.
The fact that post-coital interceptives can cause
the death of an early embryo is at the heart of the
controversy over the drugs. The authors' advocacy of
mandatory referral follows from their belief this is
not wrong. Those with different beliefs do not share
their conclusions.
Conscientious objection does not prevent patients
from obtaining post-coital interceptives from other
sources. As the exercise of freedom of speech does
not force others to agree with the speaker, the
exercise of freedom of conscience does not force
others to agree with an objector. Concerns about
access to legal services or products can be
addressed by dialogue, prudent planning, and the
exercise of tolerance, imagination and political
will. A proportionate investment in freedom of
conscience for health care workers is surely not an
unreasonable expectation.
"Courts," write Julie Cantor, J.D. and Ken Baum,
M.D., J.D., "have held that religious freedom does
not give health care providers an unfettered right
to object to anything involving birth control, an
embryo, or a fetus."1
This rhetorical flourish is directed at an
imaginary claim not made by objectors, nor even
considered in the two cases cited by the authors. Shelton
affirmed the need to appropriately accommodate a
nurse who objected to abortion.2 Brownfield was
decided against a Catholic hospital on the grounds
that the state protection of conscience statute did
not nullify a duty to provide information about
post-coital interceptives.3 The authors' unfocussed
rhetoric does not yield principles that can be
applied to set the limits of conscientious objection
in health care.
However, their suggestion that patients should be
able to access morally controversial services
without compromising health care workers' freedom of
conscience is most welcome, even if one finds their
notion of compromise deficient. They also deserve
credit for acknowledging (as many do not) that
"other options exist" when pharmacists decline to
fill prescriptions for post-coital interceptives.4
Drawing from their examples, the rape complainant
who was refused the drug by the Texas pharmacist
obtained it across the street,5
while the patient refused service at the
drive-through by the New Hampshire pharmacist could
have driven to three other pharmacies within two and
a half miles. Her second visit to the same pharmacy
and complaint to the media seem more consistent with
an attempt to coerce the objector than a desperate
effort to obtain a medical service.6
The authors' acknowledgement that "emergency
contraception is not an absolute emergency"7 is
certainly borne out by the statistics produced by
the drug's supporters. According to one estimate,
12,000 prescriptions were thought to have prevented
about 700 births.8
Doing the math, one finds that only about 6% of
these women might have been pregnant. The finding is
similar to expected pregnancy rates following
'unprotected' intercourse in studies by the
Population Council and World Health Organisation
(6.2% and 7.4% respectively9
) and on a website maintained by Princeton
University (8%10).
One might ask whose interests are best served when
women are convinced that they must purchase a
product that 92-94% of them do not actually need.
The fact that the authors nonetheless use the
marketing term "emergency contraception" throughout
their article testifies to the impact of a masterful
corporate advertising strategy.
That strategy includes assertions that
post-coital interceptives do not interfere with "an
established pregnancy" (emphasis added),
another phrase adopted by Cantor and Baum.11 By this
the authors imply that the relevant biological
marker for ethical reasoning is implantation of the
embryo, not fertilization. Thus, they attach little
or no moral significance to the fact that the drug
can cause the death of an early embryo by "creating
an unfavourable environment for implantation."12 This,
rather than some nebulous 'kinship' to abortion, is
what lies at the heart of the controversy over the
As to doubt about whether or not conception has
occurred, such doubts must be resolved in accordance
with principles of moral reasoning in circumstances
of uncertainty, not by reference to "the concept of
abortion." Well-established traditions insist that
such doubts be resolved before one undertakes acts
that may harm or kill an individual, and that, where
doubts cannot be resolved, acts must be ordered to
preserve life. In brief: do not pull the trigger if
unsure whether the target is a moose or another
The attempt to achieve "a workable and respectful
balance" between conflicting interests of patients
and health care providers is laudable,13 but overlooks
the nature of the conflict. In cases of
conscientious objection, patients have an interest
in obtaining a particular product or service, while
health care workers have an interest in their
ability to live and work according to their
conscientious convictions. With sufficient
imagination and political will, one may find a way
to accommodate the interests of both. But their
interests cannot be balanced, because they are not
commensurable; they concern fundamentally different
Further, the exercise of freedom of conscience by
a health care worker is an exercise of personal
autonomy, not professional autonomy. Both
worker and patient have an equal claim to personal
autonomy because both are human persons, so the
concept of autonomy does not help to resolve
conflicts in these situations. Even an appeal to the
"needs" of the patient in purported opposition to
the "morality" of the health care worker is not
necessarily helpful, since the meaning of the term
"need" is predetermined by an underlying
anthropology. Reasoning from different beliefs about
what man is and what is good for him leads to
different notions of right and wrong, and ultimately
to different ethical conclusions.14
Nor is conscientious objection necessarily
overridden by the fiduciary relationship between
pharmacist and patient. Fiduciary obligations are
shaped by the demands of the situation, not governed
by fixed rules, and a pharmacist-patient
relationship may be fiduciary in some respects, but
not in others.15
Notably, no one has ever suggested that the
fiduciary obligations of parents, spouses, and
attorneys require them to help children, spouses, or
clients who want to do something wrong; there is a
difference between service and servitude..
That word 'wrong' brings us to the main problem,
reflected in the authors' observation that some
objectors will refer patients for antibiotics but
not for post-coital interceptives. There is nothing
unusual about this; people of integrity, including
the authors, will invariably refuse to facilitate an
act they perceive to be wrong. This can be
illustrated by re-phrasing (in italics) two of the
authors' key statements to produce a dissonant
(a) In a profession that is bound by fiduciary
obligations and strives to respect and care for
patients, it is unacceptable to be concerned
about human life. (replacing "to leave patients
to fend for themselves")16
(b) As a general rule, pharmacists who cannot or
will not dispense a drug have an obligation to meet
the needs of their customers by referring them
elsewhere. This idea is uncontroversial when it is
applied to common medications such as antibiotics
and statins; it becomes contentious, but is equally
valid, when it is applied to drugs to be used for
torture. (replacing "emergency contraception")17
Probing further, and legal considerations aside,
it is highly unlikely that American security
officials who have 'personal' objections to physical
torture would refer terrorist suspects who won't
talk to "less squeamish allies" willing to do the
job.18 And,
judging from the outcry over the now deleted
reference to 'extraordinary rendition' in the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Implementation Act,19
in this refusal they would be supported by many
people who believed torture to be wrong, not
excluding Cantor and Baum.
The point is not to equate post-coital
interceptives with torture, but to change the
subject in order to reveal underlying
presuppositions. The authors believe that it is not
really wrong to cause the death of a human
embryo, or to be reckless of its life. Their
conclusion - that objecting pharmacists must refer
for post-coital interceptives - follows from that
belief. Only upon that premise is it possible to
argue that referral can be an ethical obligation,
yet the authors do not explain why people who do not
share their belief should be forced to accept their
On the other hand, those who do not share the
beliefs of conscientious objectors are not forced to
accept either limitations on services or objectors'
beliefs. Conscientious objectors do not prevent
people from obtaining post-coital interceptives from
other sources, nor does conscientious objection
prevent them from being advertised and widely
distributed or sold. And the exercise of freedom of
conscience no more requires acquiescence in an
objector's convictions than the exercise of freedom
of speech forces others to agree with the personal
convictions of a speaker.
Objectors act primarily to preserve their own
moral integrity, not to "block access" to services
or to punish or control patients. Their main concern
is to avoid being implicated in an immoral act.
Hence, the suggestion that an objector might refuse
a prescription for HIV drugs is as misplaced as the
idea that a physician might refuse to treat someone
wounded while committing a robbery. In neither case
does treatment implicate the provider in the prior
conduct of the patient.
While Cantor and Baum acknowledge that objectors
want to separate themselves from morally
controversial acts, they seem unduly concerned that
objectors, whatever their intentions, will "obstruct
patients' access" to legal services or products.
Their solution is to suppress freedom of conscience
in health care by compelling health care workers to
provide or facilitate services that they find
morally abhorrent. This does not strike the
respectful balance they are seeking, and it ignores
three different solutions that, ironically, are
suggested by their article.
The first is to persuade objectors that their
moral reasoning is defective and convince them to
adopt what the authors consider to be superior
ethical norms. Respectful dialogue of this kind
provides the opportunity to clear up any "medical
misunderstandings" and is fully consistent with
freedom of conscience and religion as well as
democratic ideals. The second is to insist that
objectors give reasonable notice of their position
to employers and consumers, a practice likely to
prevent conflicts that might otherwise occur. The
third is to have non-objecting health care workers
and others develop and advertise a range of other
options for patients, a number of which were
suggested by the authors: information on web sites,
public education, identification of locations or
organizations where services can be obtained, 1-800
numbers, etc.
The solutions the authors quite properly seek are
not to be found in a form of repression that is
uncharacteristic of the best traditions of liberal
democracy, but in dialogue, prudent planning, and
the exercise of tolerance, imagination and political
will. The solutions have costs, to be sure, but in a
country where 10 billion dollars is spent annually
on hard core pornography,20
a proportionate investment in freedom of conscience
for health care workers is surely not an
unreasonable expectation.
1. Cantor JD, Baum K. The Limits of Conscientious Objection-May Pharmacists Refuse to Fill Prescriptions for Emergency Contraception?. N Engl J Med. 2004 Nov 04;351(19):2008-212.
2. Shelton v. Univ. of Medicine & Dentistry, 223 F.3d 220 (3dCir. 2000).
3. Brownfield v. Daniel Freeman
Marina Hospital, 208 Cal. App. 3d 405 (Cal. Ct. App.
4. Cantor & Baum, supra note 1 at 2011.
5. J Baugh, “Pharmacy draws protest: Demonstrators speak out against refusal to fill ‘morning-after' pill prescription”, Denton Record Chronicle (3 February 3, 2004), formerly online: <>.
6. Victoria Guay & Bethany Gordon, “Free to choose? Pharmacists refuse to dispense some drugs on moral grounds”, Foster’s Sunday Citizen (26 September, 2004), formerly online: <>. An internet query in November, 2004 disclosed two Brooks Pharmacies,within 2.3 miles of Laconia (Flower Medical Center Pharmacy and CVS Pharmacy), and three more pharmacies within six miles.
7. Cantor & Baum, supra note 1 at 2011.
8. Janet Cooper, Brenda Osmond & Melanie Rantucci, “Emergency Contraceptive Pills- Questions and Answers”(2000) 133:5 Can Pharmaceutical J 28.
9. Cited in James Trussell et al, “Estimating the effectiveness of emergency contraceptive pills” (2003) 67:4 Contraception 259 at 261 n 20, 262 n 11.
10. - The Emergency Contraception Website, “How effective is emergency contraception?” Internet Archive Wayback Machine (website).
11. Cantor & Baum, supra note 1 at 2009.
12. Ibid.
13. Cantor & Baum, supra note 1 at 2010.
14. Sean Murphy, "Freedom of Conscience and the Needs of the Patient." (Paper delivered at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Conference New Developments - New Boundaries in Banff, Alberta, 11 November, 2001)[unpublished].
15. McInerney v. MacDonald, [1992] 2 SCR 138 at 149.
16. Cantor & Baum, supra note 1 at 2011.
17. Ibid.
18. Jonathon Alter, “Time to Think About Torture”, Newsweek (5 November, 2001) 45, online:
19. US Bill HR 4674, To prohibit the return of persons by the United States, for purposes of detention, interrogation, or trial, to countries engaging in torture or other inhuman treatment of persons, 108th Cong, 2003-2004.
20. “Porn In The U.S.A.”, CBS News (5 September 2004).