House Bill 2711 (2002)
Health Care Providers' Rights of Conscience Act
The following version of the original bill includes amendments made by the House Committee of the Whole. The bill appears to have died in the state senate.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as
the health care providers' rights of conscience act.
Sec. 2. The legislature finds and declares that people
and organizations hold different beliefs about whether certain health care
services are morally acceptable. It is the public policy of the state of
Kansas to respect and protect, as a civil right, the right of conscience of
all persons to refuse to participate in the provision of, or pay for, a
health care service subject to this act whether acting individually,
corporately or in association with others; and to prohibit all forms of
discrimination, disqualification, coercion, disability or imposition of
liability upon such persons or entities by reason of their refusal to
participate in the provision of, or pay for, a health care service subject
to this act.
The provisions of this act shall be construed liberally to carry out
purposes thereof.
Sec. 3. As used in this act:
(a) ''Discriminate''means any conduct or practice
relating to the refusal of a health care provider to participate in the
provision of a health care service subject to the act if such conduct or
practice, if it was based on race, religion, color, sex, disability,
national origin or ancestry, would be unlawful under K.S.A. 44-1009, and
amendments thereto; any denial, deprivation, disqualification or adverse
action with respect to licensure, aid, assistance, grants, benefit or
privilege, including staff privileges; any denial, deprivation,
disqualification or adverse action with respect to any authorization,
including authorization to create, expand, improve, acquire, affiliate or
merge with any health care institution or payer; or in any other manner
engage in coercion against any person, health care provider, health care
institution or health care payer because of their refusal to participate in
the provision of, or pay for, a health care service subject to this act.
(b) ‘‘Euthanasia’’ means an act that is directly intended to cause the death of a person with an illness or disability. ‘‘Euthanasia’’ does not include the administration of pain medication or other acts or omissions which may have an unintended side-effect of hastening death.
(c) ''Health care service'' means any phase of patient
medical care, treatment or procedure, including but not limited to, therapy,
counseling, diagnosis or prognosis, research, instruction, prescribing,
dispensing or providing any device, drug or medication, surgery or any other
care or treatment rendered by health care providers or health care
(d) ''Health care service subject to this act'' means
any health care service relating to abortion, artificial insemination,
assisted reproduction, artificial birth control prescribed for contraceptive purposes, human cloning, embryonic stem cell and fetal experimentation, infanticide,
assisting suicide, euthanasia and sterilization for contraceptive purposes.
(e) ''Health care provider'' means any individual who
may participate in the provision of a health care service, including a
physician, physician's assistant, advanced registered nurse practitioner, nurses' aide, medical assistant,
hospital employee, clinic employee, adult care home employee, pharmacist,
pharmacy employee, medical or nursing school faculty, student or employee,
researcher, counselor or social worker.
(f) ''Health care institution'' means any public or
private organization, corporation, partnership, limited liability company,
sole proprietorship, association, agency, network, joint venture or other
entity, including its employees, agents, owners, directors, operators or
managers, that participates in the provision of a health care service,
including hospitals, clinics, medical centers, ambulatory surgical centers,
private physician's offices, pharmacies, adult care homes, university
medical schools and nursing schools, medical training facilities or other
institutions or locations where health care services are provided to any
person and any person attempting to establish a health care institution.
(g) ''Health care payer'' means any employer, public or
private organization, corporation, partnership, limited liability company,
sole proprietorship, association, agency, network, joint venture or other
entity, including its employees, agents, owners, directors, operators or
managers, that pays for any health care service or product including, health
maintenance organizations, health plans, insurance companies, management
service organizations and employers that pay for or provide health benefits
or health insurance coverage as a benefit to their employees and any person
attempting to establish a health care payer.
(h) ''Licensing body'' means the state of Kansas and any
agency, board, commission or instrumentality of the state and any political
subdivision of the state that authorizes individuals or entities to provide
health care services in this state and issues a license, certificate, permit
or other authorization to such individual or entity.
(i) ''Participate in the provision of a health care service''
means to counsel, advise, provide, perform, assist in, refer for, admit for
purposes of providing or participate in providing any health care service or
any form of such service.
(j) ''Pay'' or ''payment'' means pay,
contract for or otherwise arrangefor the payment of, in whole or in part.
(k) ''Person''means any individual, corporation,
partnership, limited liability company, sole proprietorship, association,
legal representative, trustee, trustee in bankruptcy or receiver, joint
venture, organization or other entity.
(l) ''Public agency'' means the state of Kansas, its
state agencies, boards, and instrumentalities, and every governmental
subdivision when acting solely in the agency's capacity as an employer of a
health care provider or when making determinations affecting the amount or
authority to receive payment for health care costs.
Sec. 4. (a) A health care provider has the right not to
participate in the provision of a health care service subject to this act.
(b) No health care provider shall be liable civilly or criminally for
declining to participate in the provision of a health care service subject
to this act.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person, health care provider, health
care institution, licensing body or public agency to discriminate against a
health care provider.
(d) Nothing in this act shall relieve a health care provider from any
duty, which may exist under the law concerning current standards of normal
professional practices and procedures, to inform a patient of the patient's
condition, prognosis and risks of a health care service subject to this act.
Such health care provider shall be under no duty to participate in the
provision of a health care service subject to this act.
(e) Nothing in this act shall be construed to relieve a health care provider from participating in the provision of what, in such provider’s best medical and ethical judgment, is a medically nec- essary and appropriate health care service in the case of an emergency when the patient’s life is in jeopardy.
Sec. 5. (a) A health care institution has the right to
not participate in the provision of a health care service subject to this
(b) No health care institution shall be liable civilly or criminally for
declining to participate in the provision of a health care service subject
to this act.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person, licensing body or public agency
to discriminate against any health care institution.
(d) Nothing in this act shall relieve a health care institution from any
obligation it may have under the emergency medical treatment and active
labor act as contained in 42 U.S.C. 1395dd as in effect on July 1, 2002.
(e) Nothing in this act shall be construed to relieve a health care institution from participating in the provision of what, in such institution’s best medical and ethical judgment, is a medically nec- essary and appropriate health care service in the case of an emer- gency when the patient’s life is in jeopardy.
Sec. 6. (a) A health care payer has the right to decline
to pay for any health care service subject to this act.
(b) No health care payer shall be liable civilly or criminally by reason
of the health care payer's declining to pay for any health care service
subject to this act.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person, licensing body or public agency
to discriminate against any health care payer.
(d) Nothing in this act shall be construed to relieve a health care payer from paying, to the extent of such payer’s contractual obligation, for what, in such payer’s best medical and ethical judg- ment, is a medically necessary and appropriate health care service in the case of an emergency when the patient’s life is in jeopardy.
Sec. 7. (a) Any health care provider aggrieved by an
alleged unlawful employment practice, as defined by K.S.A. 44-1009, and
amendments thereto, based on the refusal to participate in the provision of
a health care service subject to this act may file a complaint and receive
relief in the manner provided for under the Kansas act against
discrimination, K.S.A. 44-1001 et seq., and amendments thereto, but
such relief shall not be available unless the health care provider gives the employer written notice of the provider’s objection to partic- ipating in the provision of such health care service prior to such provider’s employment, within 30 days after enactment of this act or at least 48 hours prior
to any refusal to participate in the provision of a health care service
subject to this act, whichever is latest.
(b) In any proceeding before a licensing body in which it is alleged that
a health care provider has engaged in conduct defined as grounds for
disciplinary action or any adverse action, including unprofessional conduct,
dishonorable conduct or professional incompetence arising from the refusal
to participate in the provision of a health care service subject to this
act, a health care provider shall have the right to assert the protection of
this act as an affirmative defense. The licensing body shall not impose any
disciplinary sanction or any adverse action and shall not refuse to grant an
original, renewal or reinstated license, certificate or permit based upon
the refusal to participate in the provision of a health care service subject
to this act.
(c) Except as provided by subsections (a) and (b), a health care
provider, health care institution or health care payer injured by any
person, public agency or licensing body based on the refusal to participate
in the provision of a health care service subject to this act, may commence
a civil action for damages or injunctive relief or both in the district
(d) Upon finding a violation of this act brought pursuant to paragraph
(a), (b) or (c), the aggrieved party shall be entitled to recover, in
addition to any damages or other relief, such party's costs of the action
and reasonable attorney fees. Any remedies available under this act shall be
cumulative and not exclusive of other remedies afforded under any other
state or federal law.
(e) It shall not be a defense to any claim arising out of the violation
of this act that such violation was necessary to prevent additional burden or
expense on any other health care provider, health care institution, health
care payer individual or patient.
(f) Any claim brought against a public agency or licensing body shall be
subject to the Kansas tort claims act.
(g) Each employer of a health care provider shall comply with its notice
obligations under paragraph (a) of this section by posting, and keeping
posted, in conspicuous places on the premises of the employer where notices
to employees and applicants for employment are customarily posted, a notice,
to be prepared or approved by the Kansas human rights commission by rule or
regulation, setting forth excerpts from, or summaries of, the pertinent
provisions of this act. Any health care provider shall be relieved of the
provider's notice obligations to the employer if the employer of the health
care provider fails to comply with the provisions of this paragraph.
Sec. 8. Nothing in this act shall be construed as
excusing any health care provider, health care institution or health care
payer from liability for refusing to participate in the provision of, or pay
for, a health care service subject to this act if:
(a) The health care provider, health care institution or health care
payer has entered into a contract specifically to participate in the
provision of, or pay for, a health care service subject to this act; or
(b) the health care provider, health care institution or health care
payer has accepted federal or state funds for the sole purpose of, and
specifically conditioned upon, permitting or participating in the
provision of, or paying for, a health care service subject to this act.
Sec. 9. Nothing in this act shall be construed to relieve any health care provider from civil or criminal liability or administrative action for the unlawful or negligent practice of a health care profession.
Sec. 10. Nothing in this act shall be construed to excuse any health care provider from complying with:
(a) Any ‘‘do not resuscitate’’ directive or order which is valid under K.S.A. 2001 Supp. 65-4941 through 65-4948, and amend- ments thereto; or
(b) any declaration directing the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures which is valid under K.S.A. 65-28,101 through 65-28,109, and amendments thereto.
Sec. 11. This act shall supersede all other acts or parts
of acts to the extent that any other acts or parts of acts are inconsistent
with the terms or operation of this act, except that protections of this act
only shall supplement and not replace the protections contained in K.S.A.
65-443, 65-444, 65-446, and 65-447, and amendments thereto.
Sec. 12. Nothing in this act shall be construed as
prohibiting or permitting any health care service subject to this act.
Sec. 13. The provisions of this act are declared to be
severable and if any provision, word, phrase or clause of the act or the
application thereof to any person shall be held invalid, such invalidity
shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this act.
Sec. 14. This act shall take effect and be in force from
and after its publication in the statute book.