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2022 Louisiana Laws | Revised Statutes | Title 40 - Public Health and Safety


§40:1061.2. Discrimination against certain persons; prohibition

A. No physician, nurse, student or other person or corporation shall be held civilly or criminally liable, discriminated against, dismissed, demoted, or in any way prejudiced or damaged because of his refusal for any reason to recommend, counsel, perform, assist with or accommodate an abortion.

B. No worker or employee in any social service agency, whether public or private, shall be held civilly or criminally liable, discriminated against, dismissed, demoted, in any way prejudiced or damaged, or pressured in any way for refusal to take part in, recommend or counsel an abortion for any woman.

§40:1061.3. Discrimination against hospitals, clinics, etc.; prohibition

No hospital, clinic or other facility or institution of any kind shall be held civilly or criminally liable, discriminated against, or in any way prejudiced or damaged because of any refusal to permit or accommodate the performance of any abortion in said facility or under its auspices.

§40:1061.4. Governmental assistance; discrimination for refusal to participate in an abortion; prohibition

A. The term governmental assistance as used in this Section shall include federal, state and local grants, loans and all other forms of financial and other aid from any level of government or from any governmental agency.

B. No woman shall be denied governmental assistance or be otherwise discriminated against or pressured in any way for refusing to accept or submit to an abortion, which she may do for any reason and without explanation.

C. No hospital, clinic, or other medical or health facility, whether public or private, shall ever be denied governmental assistance or be otherwise discriminated against or otherwise be pressured in any way for refusing to permit its facilities, staff or employees to be used in any way for the purpose of performing any abortion.