Testimony of Francis Cardinal George, OMI
Before a committee of the American Medical Association
12 June, 2000
Reproduced with permission
Francis Cardinal George, OMI*
As an active participant in and sponsor of the largest nonprofit
healthcare network in this area, I find the quiet little note at the end of
this resolution strangely naïve. It says: "No Significant Fiscal
Impact." Does anyone really believe that driving the largest
not-for-profit healthcare network in the nation out of business would have
no significant fiscal impact? . . . It would have an enormous adverse impact on some of the
poorest people in our nation, who turn to Catholic health facilities to
receive help in times of need, regardless of their ability to pay.
I am Cardinal Francis George, the Catholic Archbishop of Chicago.
I have a resolution in Resolution 218 for several reasons: as a religious
leader, as a head of an archdiocese with a large nonprofit health care system,
and as a citizen of this state and nation. From all three perspectives I
am deeply troubled by this resolution.
Through Resolution 218, the California Medical Association seeks your
support for legislation to require all hospitals receiving federal funds to
provide "a full range of reproductive services," including "temporary or
permanent birth control." Clearly this includes requirements for
contraception, sterilization and abortion with which Catholic hospitals
simply cannot comply. Effectively, the American Medical Association is
being asked to help abolish Catholic health care in this country.
If there were any doubt about this, one need look no further than the
documentation in the AMA briefing book provided by medical groups supporting
Resolution 218 - documentation especially from "Catholics for a Free
Choice." This is a group with no medical expertise - indeed, a group
with no relationship to the Catholic Church, except as adversary to the
teaching of the Catholic faith about the gift of human sexuality.
"Catholics for a Free Choice". . . is a group with
no medical expertise - indeed, a group with no relationship to the Catholic
Church, except as adversary to the teaching of the Catholic faith about the
gift of human sexuality.
One would have to look back to the 1920's -when the state of Oregon where
I was previously Archbishop banned Catholic schools - to see a comparable
attack on the right of religiously motivated Americans to participate in
public life and serve the public good. Reversing Oregon's law required
a U.S. Supreme Court decision, Pierce v. Society of Sisters. I believe
that the legislation proposed by the California Medical Association
would, and should, meet a similar fate. In the meantime, I urge the
American Medical Association, as strongly as I can, not to join this
campaign against religious freedom.
As an active participant in and sponsor of the largest nonprofit
healthcare network in this area, I find the quiet little note at the end of
this resolution strangely naïve. It says: "No Significant Fiscal
Impact." Does anyone really believe that driving the largest
not-for-profit healthcare network in the nation out of business would have
no significant fiscal impact? It would have a fiscal impact on
for-profit health plans, which could set their own prices with less fear of
competition. It would have an enormous adverse impact on some of the
poorest people in our nation, who turn to Catholic health facilities to
receive help in times of need, regardless of their ability to pay.
The sponsors of this resolution say it is needed because "non-secular
health systems have become the exclusive healthcare providers in some
communities." But we should stop and ask ourselves: WHY are Catholic
and other "non-secular" health systems the only providers in some
communities? It is because for-profit systems see these communities as
unprofitable, as a bad risk. If you drive the churches out of health
care by making it impossible for them to operate in accord with their
ethical and religious misison, who will take care of these people?
Will Catholics for a Free Choice? You and I know they will not.
Secularizing all healthcare institutions through state coercion is to
transform this country into a totalitarian state.
As a citizen of Illinois and this country, I regret this resolution's
disdain for the U.S. legal tradition respecting freedom of conscience.
Since 1973, federal law has sought to ensure that no healthcare entity is
discriminated against for its refusal to perform or assist in the
performance of abortions or sterilizations contrary to its religious beliefs
or moral convictions (42 USC 300a-7). Since 1996, federal law has
forbidden any federal agency or any state receiving federal funds to
discriminate against any healthcare entity, secular or religious, for
refusing to perform, provide training in, or refer for abortion (42 USC
238n). And the vast majority of states have similar laws protecting
the ethical integrity of healthcare institutions. The laws of my own
state of Illinois are especially careful to protect the right of healthcare
institutions to make conscientious decisions about medical procedures -
specifically including abortion, sterilization and family planning and all
counselling and referral related to these - free of government coercion.
With your kind permission, I submit samples of these laws for the record.
Distinguished committee members, I urge you to recommend the unanimous
rejection of Resolution 218, so that all of us who wish to support and
contribute to the health and well-being of vulnerable members of the human
family can do so conscientiously, in our own best medical and ethical
judgement, and without the threat of government reprisals.
Thank you.