Bill 212 (2000)
Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Amendment Act
This bill was introduced by Julius Yankowsky, M.L.A. It passed first
reading in the Alberta Legislature on 1 March, 2000. It would have
amended Chapter H-11.7 of the Revised Statutes of Alberta. It was the
first bill brought before a provincial legislature in Canada, but was
not proceeded with. [Administrator]
Fourth Session, 24th Legislature, 49 Elizabeth II
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative
Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:
1 The Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act is
amended by this Act.
2 The following is added after section 7:
7.1(1) No employer shall
(a) refuse to employ a health professional,
(b) refuse to advance or promote a health
(c) discipline a health professional, or
(d) dismiss or threaten to dismiss a health
because the health professional is not willing to take part in or counsel
any medical procedure that offends a tenet of the health professional's
religion or the belief of the health professional that human life is sacred.
(2) In this section,
(a) "health professional" means a regulated member
under the Health Professions Act;
(b) "human life" means human life at any stage
beginning with conception.
3 This Act comes into force on Proclamation.