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2023 Nebraska Revised Statutes | Chapter 28 - Crimes and Punishments


28-337 - Hospital, clinic, institution; not required to admit patient for abortion.

No hospital, clinic, institution, or other facility in this state shall be required to admit any patient for the purpose of performing an abortion nor required to allow the performance of an abortion therein, but the hospital, clinic, institution, or other facility shall inform the patient of its policy not to participate in abortion procedures. No cause of action shall arise against any hospital, clinic, institution, or other facility for refusing to perform or allow an abortion.

28-338. No person required to perform an abortion; no liability for refusal.

No person shall be required to perform or participate in any abortion, and the refusal of any person to participate in an abortion shall not be a basis for civil liability to any person. No hospital, governing board, or any other person, firm, association, or group shall terminate the employment or alter the position of, prevent or impair the practice or occupation of, or impose any other sanction or otherwise discriminate against any person who refuses to participate in an abortion.

28-339. Discrimination against person refusing to participate in an abortion; violation; penalty.

Any violation of section 28-338 is a Class II misdemeanor.

28-340. Discrimination against person refusing to participate in an abortion; damages.

Any person whose employment or position has been in any way altered, impaired, or terminated in violation of sections 28-325 to 28-345 may sue in the district court for all consequential damages, lost wages, reasonable attorney's fees incurred, and the cost of litigation.

28-341. Discrimination against person refusing to participate in an abortion; injunctive relief.

Any person whose employment or position has in any way been altered, impaired, or terminated because of his refusal to participate in an abortion shall have the right to injunctive relief, including temporary relief, pending trial upon showing of an emergency, in the district court, in accordance with the statutes, rules, and practices applicable in other similar cases.