Protection of Conscience Project
Protection of Conscience Project
Service, not Servitude

Service, not Servitude
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Slovenian Code of Medical Deontology Practice

Kodeks Medicinske Deontologije Slovenije

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5. člen
Article 5
Zdravnik je pri opravljanju svojega poklica v mejah svoje strokovne usposobljenosti samostojen in neodvisen ter za svoje delo odgovoren pred svojo vestjo, bolnikom in družžbo.

The doctor is independent and autonomous in the performance of his profession within the limits of his professional qualification and is accountable for his work to his conscience, the patient and society.

6. člen
Article 6
Zdravnik ne sme odkloniti nujne medicinske pomoči, ustrezne njegovi strokovni usposobljenosti, ne glede na to, ali je na delovni dolžžnosti ali ne in ne glede na to, ali je za pomoč izrecno zaproššen. . . . A doctor may not refuse emergency medical care appropriate to his or her professional competence, whether or not he or she is on duty and whether or not he or she has been specifically requested to seek help. . . .
14. člen
Article 14
Zdravnik je dolžžžan opravljati svoj poklic odgovorno, strokovno, vestno in natančno do slehernega pacienta, ne glede na raso, spol, narodnost, versko pripadnost, politično prepričanje, družžžbeno ekonomski položžžaj in ne glede na svoje osebno razmerje do bolnika ali njegove družžžine. Zdravnik je svoboden v izbiri metod in načinov zdravljenja, pri tem pa je dolžžžan dosledno upošštevati dosžežžke medicinske znanosti in načela strokovnega ravnanja. Zdravnik je dožlžžan odkloniti vsakrššen poseg, ki bi po njegovem strokovnem prepričanju in vesti mogel biti neetičen ali za bolnika šškodljiv. The doctor is obliged to perform his / her profession responsibly, professionally, conscientiously and accurately towards every patient, regardless of race, gender, nationality, religious affiliation, political beliefs, socio-economic status and regardless of their personal relationship to the patient or his family. The doctor is free to choose the methods and methods of treatment, and in doing so is obliged to consistently follow the achievements of medical science and the principles of professional conduct. The physician is obliged to refuse any intervention that, in his professional opinion and conscience, could be unethical or harmful to the patient.
19. člen
Article 19
Zdravnik upošššteva in spoššštuje načelo o svobodni izbiri zdravnika in zdravstvene ustanove. Zato si prizadeva za uresničenje te bolnikove pravice. Physicians shall apply and respect the principle of freedom of choice of physician and healthcare institute. They shall therefore endeavour to implement this right of patients.
42. člen
Article 42
Zdravnik lahko izvrššitev splava ali sterilizacije odkloni, če ni v skladu z njegovim prepričanjem in vestjo in če ne gre za nujno medicinsko pomoč. Pacientko je dolžžan napotiti k drugemu usposobljenemu zdravniku, oziroma mora o zavrnitvi posega obvestiti zdravstveni zavod, da zagotovi izvrššitev teh posegov v skladu z zakonom. A doctor may refuse to perform an abortion or sterilization if it is not in accordance with his or her beliefs and conscience and if it is not an emergency medical care. He is obliged to refer the patient to another qualified doctor, or he must inform the health institution about the refusal of the procedure in order to ensure the execution of these procedures in accordance with the law.