Artificial Reproduction
A Russian woman wants 105 surrogate babies – and has the money to pay for them
Russia, 2021
Michael Cook | The Russian media has been abuzz with the news that a 23-year-old woman from Moscow named Christina Ozturk and her husband have embarked upon the ambitious project of having 105 of their own biological children. . .
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UK High Court defines ‘motherhood’ in controversial transgender case
United Kingdom, 2019
Michael Cook|
A trans man in the United Kingdom has lost his bid to be deemed a father on his child’s birth certificate – even though he conceived it, gestated it, and gave birth to it. . .
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Stop fretting about 3-parent embryos and get ready for
"multiplex parenting"
(United Kingdom: 2014)
Michael Cook
| The controversy over three-parent embryos could soon be old hat. Writing
in one of the world's leading journals, one of Britain's best-known
bioethicists has outlined a strategy for creating children with four or more
genetic parents. He calls it "multiplex parenting". . .
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Controversies in Operating Reproductive Health Services
(Chile: 2001)
Dr. Pilar Vigil Portales
| . . .In summary, the changes introduced in our culture
have confronted OB/GYN with ethic dilemmas, especially important in areas
dealing with human life, procreation and embryonic and genetic manipulation.
It becomes necessary to reinforce the dignity of human life, not just
because it is a living organism, but because of its humanity. . .
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Human embryos are 'reproductive material'
(Canada: 1999)
Marnie Ko | . . .the new law will present the
government with a tricky legal conundrum it will probably avoid the word
adoption. "It might be cute to call this adoption," he says, "but I
suspect that to avoid conferring legal personhood on the unborn the
government will treat embryos as a property rights issue, using a word
more akin to ownership." . . .
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Experiences of Christian Medical & Dental Associations Members
(USA: 1995-1999)
Physician ceases provision of artificial insemination to all
patients as a result of concern that she would be sued if she did not
provide it to non-married persons and those identifying themselves as
homosexual. . .
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